Ways to give to Christ The Saviour Secondary School
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There are many ways you can show your support for the vision and mission of Christ the Saviour Secondary School. Your continued generosity will help ensure we offer challenging programs to our students. Funds will be directed toward building stronger academic programs, teachers training, student excursions, external competitions, athletics, creative arts and lots more. Gifted funds will also be directed toward funding the Financial Aid sector, from which generated funds will be used to sponsor children of parents with low economic standing.
Christ The Saviour Annual Funds
To ensure the continued growth of our school, we encourage all members of the CTSSS community - teachers, graduates, parents, grandparents, and friends - to participate in the CTSSS Annual Fund.
Donors are encouraged but not restricted to give according to the Giving levels they are comfortable with.
CTSSS will continue to maintain its high standards for today and future generations.
Christ The Saviour Endowment Funds
To ensure the preservation of Christ The Saviour Secondary School for future generations of students, the school recognizes the importance of building endowment. Endowment funds are financial assets that generate income through wise investment of the principal.
Donors may establish endowed funds through straight gifts, or other forms of tenured giving. This revolving effort provides the school with the financial reserves it needs to run a school that continually reflects today’s world as well as maintain the schools state-of-the-art facilities.